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Influencing and Communication

Influencing and Communication

Every day we interact both personally and professionally with friends, family, supplier’s customers and business colleagues and partners. The effectiveness of this interaction is often based around effective co-operation and influence, with communication at the centre. We are often selling our ideas and concepts or influencing others in a persuasive and assertive way that enable the business and the personal relationship to flourish.

These skills are often undervalued and not necessarily trained effectively, often taken for granted but can be challenged when people with different styles and approaches force their needs ahead of others. Effective Influencing, persuasion and communication remain critical to helping our people to build and develop effective long term relationships and allow them to fully contribute to the business. This unlocks the hearts and minds of the people if they are able to effectively influence and communicate.

What will you learn?

Our Effective Influence and Communication programme starts to help the individual and team develop these critical skills and build confidence and assertiveness when dealing with different styles of people. You will learn your own preferred influencing style and those of others. You’ll learn how your communication impacts others, and how this affects your ability to influence. You will learn techniques you can apply every day to build and grow your effectiveness influence within your own organisation and with your customers. And above all you will learn different influencing strategies to enable you to balance both your needs and the needs of the other person.

So if it’s time to help you or your team to develop and support a more assertive and proactive approach to influencing and communication or simply develop further effective ways to influence others effectively, call us now for a confidential and personal touch conversation on 01488 649 360 or Email – Transforming Commercial Capabilities


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