Training is not conducted for its own benefit; it can only be deemed successful if it produces an on-going and sustainable change in behavior within your team. No matter how many sessions of bespoke training you put on for your team members, any change is the responsibility of the individuals themselves. Therefore, it is vital that they are able to assess their own success.
Feedback sheets, a thing of the past?
Too often, training effectiveness is measured by feedback sheets collected in a hurry at the end of the course. Not only are these filled in hastily, but sufficient time has not been left to allow the training to sink in and leave a genuine impact on your team and their working environment.
In reality, the impact of training needs to be assessed over the short, medium and long-term. Participants need to set themselves clear stretching goals and proactively monitor their performance. Management, of course, has a role to play in monitoring the progress of their team, but the most effective training will always encourage team members to take an active interest in their own development. Personal monitoring and progress, therefore, becomes crucial to training success.
Realistic goals
Action plans need to be realistic if they are to be achieved, so focus and prioritisation are key. It is far better to make one or two critical commitments to change that you have the resources and passion to deliver, rather than a long list of “should do’s” that will languish in a draw or computer folder and never be referred to again.
Time to reflect
Time needs to be set aside to regularly review progress against the plan, and great training providers will happily invest time with their clients post-course to assist them in bringing their action plans to life. This means not just in the midst of immediate post-course enthusiasm, but in the weeks and months, it really takes to truly embed change.
You’ve decided what training is best suited to the needs of your team and your business, and gone out there and found an inspiring leader to deliver that training. Don’t let a fantastic experience go to waste – provide your team with individual, measurable action plans, and allow your training to help them flourish.